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121th Canton fair
Datetime: 2017/4/14 8:57:30  Hits: 2519
121th Canton fair 
WENZHOU WANYU Booth No. as below:
Booth No.: 16.2 B38 - 39
Date:  April 23th to 27th, 2017  (Phase II)

If you have any queries about prices or cooperation, please feel free to e-mail in the E - mail us or use the following inquiry form. Our sales representatives will contact you within 24 hours. Thank you for your interest in our products.

No.159 Xitai Road, Zhuangyuan, Longwan District, Wenzhou City 325011, Zhejiang Province, China.
+86-57786585188 Fax: +86-57786380578
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